The South African National Council’s Civil Society Forum (SANAC CSF) will hold one of its biggest
meetings – CSF National Lekgotla on 17 – 19 July 2022 at Emperor’s Palace in Johannesburg, a
policy conference which seeks to coordinate the voices and participation of civil society, renew
the mandate of the CSF and ensure prioritisation of local efforts in the National HIV and AIDS, TB
and STI’s response in the country, as part of our strategy to strengthen the Civil Society
Coordination and Governance.
National Sector Leaders, Provincial Chairpersons and their Provincial Sector Leaders, Districts
through their District Chairpersons and Local CSF through their Local CSF Chairpersons, from all
9 South African provinces, have been invited to participate in this important event to facilitate
inclusion of diverse voices and meaningful engagements at all levels.
Discussions will be around the Civil Society Forum’s progress report over the past 3 years,
governance standardisation going forward, election guidelines as well as the roadmap and the
role of Civil Society Forum in the development process of the National Strategic Plan on on HIV,
TB and STIs (NSP) 2023-2028.
The immediate outcomes of the CSF Lekgotla 2022 are the mandate, clear priorities roles and
responsibilities, resources, as well as the structure of the CSF over the next 5 years.
National Strategic Plan Consultations: 16 – 17 June 2022
The CSF National Lekgotla will be preceded by the SANAC National Strategic Plan Consultation
with civil society leaders on 16 to 17 July, which aims to garner insights that will feed into the
development of the NSP 2023-2028.
The NSP is the strategic guide for the national response to HIV, TB and STIs in South Africa. This
plan is developed for 5-year cycles with the current NSP coming to an end at the 31 March 2023,
following a 1-year extension due to Covid19.
The development of the National Strategic Plan seeks to be as inclusive as possible and the
consultations aim to reflect a diverse range of input, including the voices of people and
professional groups and constituencies who may not have been reached previously.
The expected output of the NSP Development Process is an NSP that guides the country’s
response to HIV, TB and STIs for five years (2023 to 2028), that is costed with recommendations
for resourcing, with individual provincial contributions to the main targets identified, and clear
roles and responsibilities identified for all government departments and all other stakeholders.